Graça Ramos

Portugal à Mão

Graça Ramos,holds a degree in Historical Sciences from Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique (Porto) and is the President of the Board of Directors of Associação Portugal à Mão – Center for the Study and Promotion of Portuguese Arts and Crafts. She is a member of the Board of Between Parallels – Association for Design and Sustainable Development, member of the Sector Council for Qualification “Handicrafts and Goldsmithery” at ANQEP, and Vice-President of CENA – AIP’s National Strategic Council for Craftsmanship.

Portugal à Mão
Portugal à Mão – Center for the Study and Promotion of Portuguese Arts and Crafts is an institution that promotes the study of and reflection on Portuguese traditional arts and crafts and culture.

Dias Abertos 2024